All Access Montana: Eliminating Food Stamp Barriers Feeds a Hungry Montana and a Hungry Economy
All Access Montana: Eliminating Food Stamp Barriers Feeds a Hungry Montana and a Hungry Economy outlines specific changes to the Food Stamp Program needed to increase food stamp enrollment, which would aid more hungry families and boost the state and … Read more
Anna Krieger
Anna graduated in 2002 from Haverford College in Pennsylvania with a degree in philosophy. At Haverford, Anna worked on a variety Haverford community issues in addition to devoting her time to Gay and Lesbian causes both on campus and off. During her semester abroad, Anna interned at the Sarang AIDS … Read more
David Heller
David attended Brown University as a premedical student with a concentration in ethics and political philosophy. At Brown he was a two-term officer of the student government, editor-in-chief of a course review publication, and Chair of a record-breaking senior gift campaign to raise funds for Brown undergraduate financial aid.