Krieger headshot

Emerson Fellow

Anna Krieger

9th Class, 2002-2003

Anna graduated in 2002 from Haverford College in Pennsylvania with a degree in philosophy.  At Haverford, Anna worked on a variety Haverford community issues in addition to devoting her time to Gay and Lesbian causes both on campus and off.  During her semester abroad, Anna interned at the Sarang AIDS Institute in Kochi, India, an organization working to stop the spread of HIV in sex-worker and gay male communities in South India.

Field placement: Montana People’s Action

Missoula, Montana

Anna worked to increase outreach and funding for the current Food Stamp Program by working with local communities to implement new provisions of the National Food Stamp Bill.  Additionally, she assisted with research and collected stories from food stamp recipients for a report on enacting farm bill options in Montana.

Policy placement: New America Foundation

Washington, D.C.

Anna assisted with development of an online clearinghouse on asset building by compiling, summarizing, and locating supporting materials for federal policies impacting low-and moderate-income Americans’ abilities to build and maintain assets.  Anna also contributed to federal policy efforts, including the Assets for Independence Act, Savings for Working Families Act, and the President’s plans for new tax-favored savings accounts.
