Custer headshot

Emerson Fellow

Sarah Custer

15th Class, 2008-2009

Sarah graduated with honors from McGill University with a degree in international development studies and economics and a minor in political science. She has researched the impact of the bio-fuels industry on food security and held leadership positions in the Black Students Network, the Africana Program, and the Social Justice Committee. Sarah also interned with the Global Policy Forum, the Center for Court Innovation, and the NYC Coalition Against Hunger, and is an AmeriCorps alumna. Sarah grew up abroad in Saudi Arabia, Italy and Cuba, and speaks fluent Italian, Spanish and French.

Field placement: Prevention Research Center at Tulane University

New Orleans, Louisiana

Sarah worked with the Food Policy Advisory Committee to develop advocacy and implementation strategies to bring grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and other healthy food retailers into underserved areas of New Orleans.  She also provided research and support for the Louisiana State Senate's Healthy Food Retail Study Group and the New Orleans City Planning team.

Policy placement: Alliance to End Hunger

Washington, D.C.

Through the Heroes for the Hungry project, Sarah worked to cultivate champions in Congress for people struggling with hunger. She also researched new anti-hunger initiatives and legislation, coordinated events with Alliance members, and prepared monthly newsletters for the Alliance.
