2nd Class, 2003-2005
Field Placement: USAID Africa Bureau, Uganda
Jennifer served as the mission’s Humanitarian Coordinator, overseeing relief activities funded by the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and serving as the principal mission liaison with OFDA and the NGOs that implement such activities.
Policy Placement: USAID Africa Bureau, Office of Sustainable Development, Economic Growth, Environment and Agriculture, Washington, DC
Jennifer coordinated, monitored and evaluated the mission’s implementation of the Initiative to End Hunger in Africa (IEHA), a multi-year effort designed to help fulfill the Millennium Development Goal of reducing the number of hungry people in Africa in half by 2015. The initiative focused on promoting agricultural growth and building an African-led partnership to cut hunger and poverty by investing in a smallholder-oriented agricultural growth strategy.
Pre-Fellowship Education/Experience:
Jennifer received her MS in International Agricultural Development from the University of California, Davis. As a Peace Corps volunteer in the Central African Republic, she worked with community members on bio-intensive garden projects and dry season soy production. She spent three years working as a program specialist in child nutrition programs for the United States Department of Agriculture office in San Francisco.