2nd Class, 2003-2005
Field Placement: Catholic Relief Services, Sudan
Charlie Ehle reviewed and made recommendations for improvements to CRS’ disaster response strategies in Southern Sudan. She participated in the redesign of food security interventions that will improve the program’s ability to predict outcomes and incorporate lessons learned into the planning process. Charlie also helped CRS incorporate gender into its programming.
Policy Placement: Catholic Relief Services, Baltimore, MD
Charlie divided her policy placement between a short-term stint in Chad and CRS headquarters in Baltimore. In Chad she assisted CRS’ local partners in managing camps for refugees fleeing conflict in Darfur, Sudan. Upon her return to Baltimore, she worked as a member of the policy and advocacy team, monitoring and analyzing various humanitarian crises in Africa.
Pre-Fellowship Education/Experience:
Charlie earned her MA in Sustainable International Development at Brandeis University. She worked on education and humanitarian assistance projects in Africa, as a Peace Corps volunteer in Mali and with a supplementary education program in a war-torn area of Angola. She is fluent in French and also speaks Spanish and Portuguese.