2nd Class, 2003-2005
Field Placement: USAID Office of Health, Population and Nutrition, Ethiopia
Elizabeth Brown worked closely with the Food and Humanitarian Office on Title II Development Assistance Programs, with particular emphasis on monitoring and evaluation of the health sector. In addition, she assisted a USAID mission team in its efforts to create stronger linkages between maternal/child health programs and agriculture programs. She also helped to develop a USAID/Ethiopia mission nutrition strategy.
Policy Placement: USAID Office of Food for Peace, Washington, DC
Elizabeth aided Food for Peace in NGO proposal reviews for Ethiopia’s then-new Title II productive safety net programs.
Pre-Fellowship Education/Experience:
Elizabeth participated in the Peace Corps Masters Internationalist Program, receiving an MS in Agriculture from Colorado State University while working as a Peace Corp volunteer in Nepal. While there, she worked extensively on community-based agriculture, health, nutrition and sanitation projects. She later worked as a program coordinator for the Volunteers of America Seniors’ Nutrition Program before returning to Asia to work as a health education consultant in Tibet focusing on maternal health and child care, along with tuberculosis prevention, care and treatment. She speaks Nepali and basic French.