Kromah headshot

Emerson Fellow

Takhani Kromah

13th Class, 2006-2007

Originally from Liberia, Takhani moved to Maryland in 1986.  She graduated from Tufts University in 2006 with a degree in Political Science and a minor in African Studies.  Highlights of her undergraduate career include a trip to Sierra Leone where she filmed a documentary on amputated war victims titled Voices of Sierra Leone; a semester in Accra, Ghana, where she taught English at a community-led organization; and her return trip to Ghana as a Tufts Active Citizenship Fellow.  Takhani has worked as an international policy intern at Bread for the World, and conducted original research on the role of foreign aid to resource rich states in West Africa.

Field placement: California Association of Food Banks

Sacramento, California

Takhani developed materials for community based organizations to expand sponsorship of the federal Summer Food Service and After-School Snack Programs.  Takhani collaborated with the California Department of Education, USDA Western Region, California Food Policy Advocates and a handful of the Food Banks' member agencies to collect data on community based sponsors, sites, and participation rates of the nutrition programs.  The data and associated audio/visual links are featured on the website that Takhani created.

Policy placement: Alliance to End Hunger

Washington, D.C.

Takhani researched and updated profiles of presidential candidates as part of her role in planning the Presidential Forum at Bread for the World's national conference.  Takhani also assisted in the redesign of the Alliance’s website and graphics for organizational materials, and drafted briefing memos and press releases related to the Forum.
