Bernier headshot

Leland Fellow

Quinn Bernier

6th Class, 2011-2013

Field Placement: World Agroforestry Institute, Kisumu, Kenya

Quinn Bernier worked with the World Agroforesty Center (ICRAF) at field sites in Western Kenya on the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) research program. He provided research support focused on understanding the barriers and incentives to smallholder adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices for a carbon payment project implemented by CARE and investigated the livelihood strategies employed by households in Western Kenya in response to climatic, economic, and social changes. 

In May 2012, he presented his research at the Adaptation Futures Conference – held at the University of Arizona – which brought together researchers, policy makers, and practitioners from around the world to share insights into adaptation to climate variability and change. Quinn’s presentation looked at how communities can make institutional changes that allow for easier adoption of climate smart agricultural practices such as tree planting.

Policy Placement: International Food Policy and Research Institute, Washington, DC

Quinn worked with Collective Action and Property Rights Research Program of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). His work focused on identifying institutional arrangements that support community and household level adoption of climate change adaptation strategies. He edited and reviewed CAPRi working papers, as well as identified opportunities to influence natural resource and land governance policies using CAPRi supported research. In addition, he assisted in the design, implementation, and future analysis of an intra household-survey looking at gender differentiated vulnerabilities to climate change.

Pre-Fellowship Education/Experience:

Quinn Bernier graduated from American University’s International Development Master’s program, where his studies focused on participatory community development and livelihood adaptations to climate change. Prior to graduate school, Quinn served as an Environmental Education Peace Corps volunteer in El Salvador. Quinn is originally from Illinois and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, where he studied Environmental Studies and Law, Letters, and Society.
