Isaacs headshot

Emerson Fellow

Katelin Isaacs

9th Class, 2002-2003

Katelin attended Princeton University for two years, but transferred to Stanford University where she graduated and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.  Katelin has worked on an organic farm in West Rutland, Vermont, as a tutor for young children, and campaigned to regulate sweatshop abuses with Students for Progressive Education and Action.

Field placement: Hunger Free Vermont

Burlington, Vermont

While with VTCECH Katelin worked to increase Vermonters’ participation in federal Child Nutrition Programs. Specifically, she created a best practices resource sheet for state school breakfast programs, which was used in breakfast promotion.  She also conducted a survey of selected high schools inVermontto determine the characteristics and extent of competitive food sales.

Policy placement: School Nutrition Association

Washington, D.C.

At the ASFSA, Katelin compiled a compendium of state regulations and statutes affecting child nutrition programs and the school food service professionals who run them.  This research was be an informational and legislative resource for school food service professionals, anti-hunger advocates, and others.
