Churchman headshot

Emerson Fellow

Jenna Churchman

9th Class, 2002-2003

Jenna graduated magna cum laude from Willamette University in Salem, Oregon where she was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.  She was a sociology major and politics minor with a focus on welfare reform. Jenna also interned with the Department of Children and Families in Oregon, designed a survey to measure the effectiveness of domestic violence education trainings, volunteered at local shelters, was active in both women’s and environmental issues on campus, and directed a mentoring program at Easter Seals.

Field placement: Florida Impact

Tallahassee, Florida

During her time in Florida, Jenna coordinated meetings of community members in the thirteen northern Florida counties not utilizing the Summer Food Service Program and worked to collectively design an implementation plan.

Policy placement: Feeding America

Washington, D.C.

Jenna designed and administered a survey of America’s Second Harvest affiliates to discover the root causes of non-participation in the Summer Food Service Program. In addition, Jenna conducted research on the potential effects of expanding tax incentives to make it easier for grocers and farmers to donate food.
