Jeanine, a native of southern California, graduated magna cum laude from the University of Notre Dame in 2003 with a joint degree in Political Science and Theology and a concentration in Public Service. She was elected to Student Senate, worked at the Center for Social Concerns for three years, spent a summer serving full-time at a women’s homeless shelter in Baltimore, and worked as a legislative intern for the Massachusetts State Senate. While studying abroad in London, she worked for the Westminster Parliament as a researcher for the Liberal Democrats.
Field placement: South Florida Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice
Miama, Florida
Jeanine served as the Outreach Coordinator, engaging new congregations and faith-based organizations in Miami with activities and campaigns to combat hunger by seeking justice for the working poor. Jeanine improved communications with members and potential supporters by formulating outreach materials and developing the organization’s website. In order to add a youth component to SFICWJ’s initiatives, Jeanine also identified partners in college campus ministries and coordinated educational sessions with them. Jeanine’s other activities included serving as a workers’ rights counselor for faith-based feeding programs, assisting in the development of a Decent Jobs for Miamians Campaign, and promoting the organization’s worker justice focus in the Community Prosperity Initiative.
Policy placement: Bread for the World
Washington, D.C.
Jeanine conducted research on the status of the existing domestic public and private hunger safety net, and assisted in the development of a coordinated plan for reform and expansion of federal programs. Jeanine’s research was concentrated on nutrition programs and the elderly population.