Quach headshot

Emerson Fellow

Hun Quach

9th Class, 2002-2003

Hun Quach, born in Cambodia and raised in Seattle, received her double degree in Political Science and Business from the University of Washington.  Hun has been a Resident Advisor, an intern for U.S. Representative Brian Baird and U.S. Senator Patty Murray, a Conference Assistant for the Tobacco Use Prevention Training Institute of the University of North Carolina, and a volunteer for the American Cancer Society and Cascade AIDS Project.

Field placement: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Denver, Colorado

Working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Mountain Plains Office to promote growth and outreach for the School Breakfast Program (SBP), Hun evaluated and selected North Dakota as a target state to promote school breakfast start-up and expansion. Hun worked with North Dakota’s Department of Public Instruction on expansion and facilitation initiatives; the state currently plans to start 11 new programs in the coming school year.

Policy placement: Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Washington, D.C.

Hun did a variety of work with federal programs including TANF, Food Stamps, Child Nutrition and WIC. She researched barriers and solutions to the Child and Adult Care Food Program run by the church throughout the country to provide information for ways to improve the program.
