Sepe headshot

Emerson Fellow

Cristina Sepe

15th Class, 2008-2009

Originally from Lakewood, Washington, Cristina graduated from Stanford University in 2008 with a degree in public policy, concentrating in social and education policy. On campus, she directed a small group Bible study, led a class and an alternative break trip on urban education issues in California, and volunteered as an elementary school tutor. Cristina also served as a teaching assistant for a seminar on civil rights and education, researched the effects of racial school segregation on the black-white achievement gap, taught summer school in Los Angeles, and interned at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Office of Public and Indian Housing.

Field placement: Maryland Hunger Solutions

Baltimore, Maryland

Cristina collaborated with the Baltimore City Public School System to increase access to and student participation in the universal school breakfast program. She assisted with the implementation of innovative school breakfast delivery models and documented methods for overcoming barriers to successful school breakfast practices.

Policy placement: Bread for the World

Washington, D.C.

Cristina supported efforts to galvanize the interfaith community around a common poverty alleviation agenda. She assisted with the development of a framework for human development objectives and documented the role of the faith community and government entities in achieving them. Cristina also created issue analysis papers and fact sheets on domestic poverty, tax policy, and asset building and stripping.
