Fang headshot

Emerson Fellow

Anyu Fang

13th Class, 2006-2007

A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Chicago, Anyu majored in Economics and studied in the University’s anthropology and political science programs in South Africa and France.  He raised awareness about food and housing insecurity through community service with the Giving Tree, and led a coalition of organizations focused on the Darfur genocide.  Anyu has interned with Congressman Gregory Meeks, Amnesty International, and the Department of Housing of Fairfax County, Virginia where he analyzed public housing regulations.

Field placement: California Association of Food Banks

Field placement: Sacramento Hunger Commission

Sacramento, California

Anyu completed several Food Stamp outreach projects: he created an online strategy guide for outreach workers, wrote the user manual for CAFB's Food Stamp Application and Screening Tool (F.A.S.T), negotiated with counties to implement F.A.S.T., and developed food stamp outreach recommendations for Sacramento County.

Policy placement: National Immigration Law Center

Washington, D.C.

Anyu analyzed the rules and practices governing immigrant food stamp participation nationwide to identify barriers to participation.  He produced a report focusing on legal immigrants who remain subject to the 5-year participation ban instituted by the 2002 Farm Bill.  Anyu also wrote in-depth profiles and stories of food-insecure immigrant families and supported NILC's research on immigrant eligibility issues in other public benefit programs.
