3rd Class, 2005-2007
Field Placement: Adventist Development & Relief Agency (ADRA), La Paz, Bolivia
Andy’s field placement was based out of La Paz, Bolivia where he worked on program management for ADRA Bolivia’s income production, maternal and children’s health, and natural resources components. As a member of the monitoring and evaluation team, he traveled monthly to project sites to review progress and coordinate surveying. He helped design an information system to facilitate program tracking. Andy also served on ADRA’s planning and development team, generating several proposals and interacting regularly with USAID and other NGOs. One funded program responded to emergency flooding in Bolivia’s Amazon and received special recognition from the national government and donors.
Policy Placement: Adventist Development & Relief Agency, Sliver Spring, MD
As a member of the food security sector at ADRA International, Andy oversaw grant management for USAID-funded programs in Kenya, Honduras and Nicaragua and served as a liaison between ADRA’s country offices and the donor. Additionally, Andy represented ADRA at the Coalition for Food Aid, an advocacy group whose mission was to educate the US public and members of Congress on food aid issues and petition for greater resources to increase global food security. He also contributed to ADRA’s best practices documentation and dissemination.
Pre-Fellowship Education/Experience:
Andy received his Master’s in Public Affairs and Urban and Regional Planning from the Woodrow Wilson School of Princeton University. He served as a Peace Corps agricultural marketing volunteer in Guatemala, a researcher at the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and a consultant to Uruguay’s national housing department on policy issues. Prior to that, he consulted for public agencies on strategic planning and organizational development initiatives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is fluent in Spanish and proficient in Portuguese.