Margolies headshot

Leland Fellow

Amy Margolies

5th Class, 2009-2011


Field Placement: National Foundation for Education and Development, Brazil

As a fellow with the National Fund for Educational Development, Amy Margolies worked with the National School Feeding Program, a key component of the Brazilian government’s Zero Hunger strategy. Based in Brasilia, Amy provided support in monitoring and evaluation as well as in international cooperation. Amy conducted municipal assessments and designed and executed a case study in two states in the northeast region of the country. She developed training manuals and worked with staff to create a proposal to restructure the Program’s monitoring and evaluation framework. Additionally, Amy accompanied an official delegation to Bolivia to provide technical support to the Bolivian government on school feeding legislation.

Policy Placement: International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC

As a member of the Poverty, Health and Nutrition Division, Amy worked on a five-country study for the World Food Program to evaluate the impact of alternatives to food transfers in Ecuador, Timor-Leste, Niger, Yemen and Uganda. She led the evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of various interventions across countries and provided inputs to the impact evaluation through field visits, enumerator trainings, supervision of household data collection and analysis of baseline data.

Pre-Fellowship Education/Experience:

Amy received her MA in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School at Tufts University where she focused on International Negotiation/Conflict Resolution and Human Security. In 2008, as a Summer Fellow with the Harvard Project on Negotiation, she interned with the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery at the United Nations Development Program in Guinea-Bissau, working on a youth advocacy project as well as on judicial and security sector reform. She also traveled to East Timor to conduct an evaluation of a World Bank-sponsored leadership program. Prior to graduate school, Amy spent two years in Rio de Janeiro working with the Brazilian organization, Viva Rio, on community mediation centers in favelas. She is a native of Washington, D.C., is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, and received her BA in International Studies and Spanish at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota.
