The National Homelessness Law Center (formerly the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty) is the only national advocacy organization dedicated solely to using the power of the law to end and prevent homelessness in America. With the support of a large network of pro bono lawyers, they use their legal expertise to help pass, implement and enforce laws addressing the immediate and long-term needs of those who are homeless or at risk. In partnership with state and local advocates, they work towards strengthening the social safety net through advocacy and advocacy training, public education, and impact litigation.
Amanda Harrod
Emerson Fellow
4th Class, 1997-1998
Amirio Freeman
Emerson Fellow
24th Class, 2017-2018
Dani Gilmour
Emerson Fellow
22nd Class, 2015-2016
Eric Ares
Emerson Fellow
13th Class, 2006-2007
Isha Plynton
Emerson Fellow
14th Class, 2007-2008
John Pevy
Emerson Fellow
18th Class, 2011-2012
Kimmi Ramnine
Emerson Fellow
19th Class, 2012-2013
Michelle Loo
Emerson Fellow
23rd Class, 2016-2017
Nitan Shanas
Emerson Fellow
28th Class, 2021-2022
Pierre Collins
Emerson Fellow
25th Class, 2018-2019
Rachel Flores
Emerson Fellow
26th Class, 2019-2020
Raquel Oriol
Emerson Fellow
15th Class, 2008-2009
Scott Strobridge
Emerson Fellow
5th Class, 1998-1999
Stefani Cox
Emerson Fellow
17th Class, 2010-2011