The DFPC is an education, advocacy and policy organization led by Detroiters committed to creating a sustainable, local food system that promotes food security, food justice and food sovereignty in the city of Detroit.
The Detroit Food Policy Council was established in 2009 by unanimous approval of The Detroit City Council. The DFPC is an implementation, monitoring and advisory body and consists of twenty-three (23) members, including fifteen (15) representatives from various sectors of the Food System, four (4) “at-large” representatives, one (1) youth representative and three (3) governmental representatives, one each from the Mayor’s Office, City Council and The Department of Health and Wellness Promotion (DHWP).

Allison Burket
Emerson Fellow
18th Class, 2011-2012

Brenda Mutuma
Emerson Fellow
20th Class, 2013-2014