Chloe Green of the 26th Class of Emerson National Hunger Fellows presents “Comprehensive Assessment of the LA Food System” at the Rayburn House Office Building on Friday, 2/28/2020. Chloe completed her field work with L.A. Food Policy Council in Los Angeles, California.
Chloe graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with degrees in dietetics and community & environmental sociology. During her time as a Badger, Chloe received a Wisconsin Idea Fellowship to study accessibility at farmers markets for underserved communities across the state. She was funded to continue her research through a pilot project centered around community outreach and incentive program redemption in North Milwaukee. In prior summers, Chloe returned home to intern with Community Services Unlimited, Inc. and SoLA Food Coop in South Los Angeles.
The Los Angeles Food Policy Council serves as backbone organization for a network of over 400 organizations and agencies working for healthy, sustainable and fair food. Growing from the collective impact model, we are making transformative change in three primary ways:
• Cultivate: We cultivate a diverse network of change makers from across our food system, from farm to fork and beyond, through cross-sector working groups, network events and other civic engagement activities.
• Align: We provide strategic guidance to our stakeholder network through facilitation, research, policy development and training.
• Make Impact: We translate collaboration into policy outcomes, and help incubate, launch and lead food system initiatives.
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