On March 31, 2004 The UPS Foundation and the Congressional Hunger Center hosted a National Hunger Forum at The Keck Center of the National Academies in Washington, D.C. Content area experts researched and wrote white papers for review and discussion … Read more
Overcoming Barriers to Access of Federal Food Programs
Overcoming Barriers to Access of Federal Food Programs is a report on the utilization of federal food programs and a corresponding set of fact sheets exploring barriers to program access and possible solutions in three Oregon counties.
School Breakfast Models
School Breakfast Models examines several approaches to School Breakfast Programs nationwide, such as Breakfast in the Classroom, Delayed Breakfast, and Provision 2 with analysis of each of the model schools’ demographics, barriers to implementation, possible solutions, and a description of … Read more
Low Wages and Basic Needs in the City of Miami: Facts for Advocates
Low Wages and Basic Needs in the City of Miami: Facts for Advocates examines the extent of low wage work in Miami, and outlining local community and faith-based responses in order to raise awareness and encourage further involvement from current … Read more
Creating a Hunger-Free Worcester County: Hunger and Food Security Profile of Worcester County
Creating a Hunger-Free Worcester County: Hunger and Food Security Profile of Worcester County offers a detailed analysis and summary of hunger and food security in Worcester, including localized profiles of food security in each of four quadrants of the county.
Eliminate Hunger: A Guide to Filling Empty Cupboards in Your Region
Eliminate Hunger: A Guide to Filling Empty Cupboards in Your Region is a resource guide for Los Angeles County food pantries highlighting food stamp application procedures, welfare office locations, pantry advocacy tips, and collaboration ideas for food pantries within each … Read more
Unnoticed, Unaddressed & Unacceptable: Revealing and Attacking Washington State’s Persistent Hunger Problem
Unnoticed, Unaddressed & Unacceptable: Revealing and Attacking Washington State’s Persistent Hunger Problem outlines six solutions to reduce hunger, including increasing participation in School Lunch, Breakfast, and Summer Food programs; lifting the lifetime ban on Food Stamps for people with former … Read more
Teachers’ Perceptions of the School Breakfast Program
Teachers’ Perceptions of the School Breakfast Program reports teachers experiences with the School Breakfast Program (SBP) in Connecticut, provides a basic overview of the SBP, offers steps that groups can take to promote the program, and includes a resource guide … Read more
Urban Agriculture in Hartford
Urban Agriculture in Hartford is a multi-component presentation on the benefits, challenges, and potential of urban agriculture, including specific recommendations for the city of Hartford, that is adaptable to a variety of audiences including policymakers, community members, and organizations.
Benefits Outreach Resources
Benefits Outreach Resources, an online resource library, assists organizations in designing outreach initiatives that link work support programs (such as Food Stamps and energy assistance) with the Earned Income Tax Credit and free tax preparation services. The library highlights important … Read more
Serving up Solutions: A Guide To Customer Service And Expanding Access To The Los Angeles County Food Stamp Program
Serving up Solutions: A Guide To Customer Service And Expanding Access To The Los Angeles County Food Stamp Program is a report and presentation designed to assist local and national partners’ efforts to increase participation in the Food Stamp Program … Read more
Developing Leaders in a Community Group
Developing Leaders in a Community Group is a comprehensive guide to developing community leaders designed to assist community groups, including instructions on how to plan and run various trainings, useful forms, sample workshops on food stamps and citizen advocacy, and … Read more