Vijaykumar headshot

Emerson Fellow

Srinidhi Vijaykumar

13th Class, 2006-2007

Srinidhi graduated with a degree in history from Stanford University in 2005.  At Stanford, she served as a residential counselor, participated in an Alternative Spring Break addressing education issues in California, and taught a high school history seminar about the Cold War.  Srinidhi has also completed internships at Miriam’s Kitchen where she taught after-breakfast classes to homeless individuals, and in the Office of Congressman Adam Schiff where she worked on a Dalit advocacy project.

Field placement: Nebraska Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest

Lincoln, Nebraska

Srinidhi coordinated with a group of Nebraska sponsors to organize and implement a statewide outreach campaign for the Nebraska Child and Adult Care Food Program Pilot.  The pilot’s purpose is to increase the number of rural child care providers who serve nutritious meals to children in child care.  The outreach initiative included partnerships with school principals, WIC offices, and the Nebraska Department of Education, as well as the production of public service announcement aired on rural radio and TV.

Policy placement: Food Research & Action Center

Washington, D.C.

Srinidhi worked in the child nutrition unit researching barriers to improved meal quality in summer and after school food service programs.  Through interviews with state agencies, advocates, and sponsors, Srinidhi documented best practices on vendor contracts and food procurement.  She also wrote a series of policy memos on meal quality issues.
