Megill headshot

Emerson Fellow

Lucinda Megill

11th Class, 2004-2005

Lucinda is a 2004 graduate of Juniata College where she received a degree in Peace and Conflict Studies and Elementary Education.  She was a facilitator and campaign leader for the Juniata College Peace Organization, where she focused on fair trade coffee and landmine removal.  She has worked with Habitat for Humanity and other service organizations around the United States, Haiti, Nicaragua, England, Romania and Ecuador, and is also certified to teach English as a Second Language.

Field placement: Hope House of New Orleans

Field placement: Market Umbrella

New Orleans, Louisiana

Lucinda researched and implemented the technology that now allows the Crescent City Farmers’ Market to accept Food Stamps/Electronic Benefit Transfer cards at their outdoor markets.  She also partnered with a public health initiative to promote the farmers market as an affordable way to purchase local fresh fruits and vegetables.  Finally, Lucinda authored Adult Literacy Tools, a series of three content-based literacy packets for adult learners.  The topics of hunger, nutrition and community food security are covered using graphs, charts, tables and text with questions designed to increase literacy skills and prepare learners for the GED.

Policy placement: School Nutrition Association

Washington, D.C.

Lucinda supported SNA members as they became leaders in the creation of Local Wellness Policies.  She provided them with technical assistance and connections to resources, and she collaborated with Hunger Fellows at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service and the Food and Research Action Center to coordinate resources and information about Local Wellness Policies.
