Lord headshot

Emerson Fellow

Julianna Lord

20th Class, 2013-2014

Julianna is from Yarmouth, Maine and graduated from Mount Holyoke College with a degree in economics and a minor in development studies. She was a Community Based Learning Fellow at Gardening the Community, a grassroots food justice organization, and worked on the implementation and evaluation of their community supported agriculture program. Julianna has also conducted ethnographic research on civil society participation in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and received a ‘Global Engagement Award’ for raising awareness about critical global issues.

Field placement: San Diego Hunger Coalition

San Diego, California

Julianna conducted qualitative research to identify strategies for integrating CalFresh (SNAP) and Medi-Cal (Medicaid) in non-profit organizations providing application assistance as the Affordable Care Act was implemented. Her research also examined the connection between access to CalFresh and overall health outcomes for low-income families and individuals.

Policy placement: New America Foundation

Washington, D.C.

Julianna researched the recent changes to policies determining the asset limits for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. She wrote a paper on how the elimination of some asset limits has lifted barriers to integrating public assistance programs at the state level, but how they may still pose a barrier for elderly and disabled recipients.
