Jillian Berger, originally from Los Angeles, California, approaches her role as a student at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, with a blend of academic curiosity and a heartfelt dedication to community service. Currently pursuing a double major in Government and Law & Anthropology and Sociology, Jillian's scholarly pursuits are intricately intertwined with her active involvement in campus leadership.
At Lafayette, Jillian serves as the Director of Community Engagement, where she spearheads initiatives aimed at fostering meaningful connections between students and the broader community. As the Program Coordinator for Pard Projects and Kaleidoscope, she plays a pivotal role in facilitating peer education and empowering students to actively engage in community service.
Jillian's commitment to addressing societal challenges is evident in her extensive research endeavors, which have culminated in over 60 pages of insightful analysis on poverty. Her advocacy extends beyond the classroom through her role as the founder of Feeding Our City, an organization dedicated to combating food insecurity. Under her leadership, Feeding Our City has organized numerous food drives and volunteer initiatives, making a tangible impact on the lives of homeless individuals.
Moreover, Jillian is a passionate advocate for social justice, as evidenced by her forthcoming book, "Through Our Eyes," which aims to dismantle the stigma surrounding homelessness by sharing the personal narratives of those affected. Her dedication to amplifying marginalized voices underscores her commitment to creating a more equitable society.
Outside of her advocacy work, Jillian finds solace in the company of animals and cherishes moments spent with loved ones. As she eagerly anticipates the upcoming summer, she looks forward to delving deeper into preventive and remedial measures addressing food insecurity, with a particular focus on policy interventions. Her enthusiasm for partnering with the Montgomery Feed Council reflects her dedication to effecting tangible change in the pursuit of social equity.
Policy placement: Montgomery County Food Council
Bethesda, Maryland