Crowell headshot

Zero Hunger Intern

Erin Crowell

4th Class, 2021

Erin Crowell is a native of Scituate, Massachusetts, and a recent graduate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Honors College, with a degree in Communications. At UMass Amherst, Erin serves as an executive member of the Parliamentary Debate Team and is a brother in the National Service Fraternity, "Alpha Phi Omega." Motivated by her volunteering with local emergency food relief in her college town, Erin wrote her undergraduate thesis on Food Insecurity in Western Massachusetts. She is passionate about creating long term, sustainable solutions for eradicate food insecurity through policy making and advocacy skills. This summer she hopes to develop further as an advocate through her internship with Project Bread, and take those skills back to her community as she continues her fight for food justice.

Field placement: Project Bread

Boston, Massachusetts
