A North Carolina native, Aisha graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2010 with a degree in biology. Aisha served as the executive coordinator of the APPLES Service-Learning Program and the President of the UNC Young Democrats. She also participated in service projects concerning homelessness, American Indian health issues, and youth access to education.
Field placement: The Food Project
Boston, Massachusetts
Aisha conducted a comprehensive program evaluation of a farmers’ market incentive initiative called the Farm Fresh Coupon Program. She surveyed and interviewed program recipients and analyzed coupon redemption data to assess the impact of consumer education about food preparation and farmers’ markets. Aisha also worked with community leaders to identify strategies to improve access to healthy food in low-income neighborhoods of Boston.
Policy placement: Food Research & Action Center
Washington, D.C.
Aisha updated an annual report on SNAP/Food Stamp eligibility and enrollment rates in U.S. urban areas. Aisha also prepared a report on nutrition education and SNAP/Food Stamp farmers' market initiatives that examined the local effects of these projects on the SNAP program.