Elizabeth studied Poetry Writing and Religion at the University of Virginia. The summer after her first year of college, she returned to Zambia (where her family had lived for five years) to volunteer at an orphanage while compiling a photo-essay. Upon her return, she created a website to raise funds … Read more
Kim Bailey
Kim is a graduate of University of Oregon with a degree in Planning, Public Policy and Management. Committed to creating partnerships between people and organizations, she worked closely with the University of Oregon Community Outreach Partnership Center and local community agencies throughout her time at the university.
Chandra Kring
Chandra earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from The Evergreen State College with a focus in community studies and public policy. She produced a documentary, “Homeless in Olympia,” that portrayed a group of homeless individuals’ fight against targeted ordinances. She is also an active member of the Welfare Rights Organizing … Read more
Barrett Ebright
Barrett is a 2004 graduate of Willamette University, where she earned a BA in sociology. Barrett has had academic and practical experience with both urban and rural issues: she served asa case manager for low-income housing residents in Chicago, and later as an Undergraduate Rural Poverty Research and Policy Fellow … Read more
Amanda Wagner
Amanda, a native of southeastern Pennsylvania, is a 2005 graduate of Franklin & Marshall College with a BA in Sociology and a minor in Women and Gender Studies. She spent a semester in Sweden and another in Jamaica, where she conducted an independent study on the role of food and … Read more
Amber Herman
An Iowa native, Amber was a Harry S. Truman Scholar and a 2006 graduate of Iowa State University where she studied public service and administration in agriculture. Amber represented Oxfam America at the G8 Summit in Scotland and at the 2005 United Nations Youth Assembly, served as a keynote speaker … Read more
Raquel Oriol
A native New Yorker, Raquel is a 2008 graduate of Kenyon College with a degree in anthropology. On campus, she led various multi-cultural groups to promote cultural awareness and understanding. Raquel has conducted qualitative research on the lives of domestic workers inPeru, studied in Honduras, and traveled throughout Latin America … Read more
Eric Hoffman
Originally from Maryland, Eric earned a degree in political science and a minor in environmental studies from St. Mary’s College of Maryland where he was a Nitze Scholar. He was active in the Student Environmental Action Coalition, Maryland Votes, the Student Government Association, wrote his honors senior thesis on U.S. … Read more
Matthew Mellon
Originally from Cincinnati, Matthew graduated from Xavier University in May 2009 with a degree in history and minors in economics, environmental studies and peace studies. He directed the University Summer Service Program, worked with Students for Economic Justice, and taught writing and mathematics at a job skills training program. Matthew … Read more
Marie Lawrence
Marie graduated from Duke University in 2010 with a degree in public policy studies. She served as a soup kitchen volunteer, the moderator of Duke’s Presbyterian campus ministry, and a member of United in Praise gospel choir. She interned in the education and health care departments at United Way of … Read more