Research Summary: Infant and young child feeding practices

In collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Malawi and Emory University, Concern Worldwide evaluated infant and young child feeding practices and the feasibility, acceptability and cultural appropriateness of a practical feeding toolkit to improve complementary feeding practices in the Mchinji District. … Read more

Challenges of M&E for Capacity Building Projects

8th class Leland Fellow, Michelle DeFreese wrote this blog post profile of Dr. Flavianus Magayane’s role in evaluating iAGRI’s impact on its student participants and his thoughts on the challenges of capturing the impact of investments in human capacity. iAGRI … Read more

Blog: Linking food security research to policymaking

Research is leading the effort toward more successful agriculture development through project evaluation and cross-country comparisons aimed at showing policymakers the effectiveness of certain interventions… However, research can only do so much, and political will is “an essential ingredient for elevating food and nutrition security into policy agendas.”…Moving forward, we hope researchers will continue to engage and communicate with policymakers during the design and implementation of policies and programs, focusing on those interventions that offer the greatest potential for improving food security for the world’s poor.

Landscape analysis: Cap and Trade Carbon Markets

This paper provides a succinct review of the cap and trade carbon markets in the U.S and Europe. It’s an attempt to identify cap and trade initiatives in the U.S and around the world as well as their successes, benefits, … Read more

Megann helped to design and build, a website produced by Winrock International with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. It is a resource on Multiple-Use Water Systems (MUS) and the SolutionMUS approach, containing information on what it is and how it … Read more