This workshop guide provides guidance for nutrition educators in facilitating nutrition workshops for homeless youth or groups with similar barriers to achieving nutrition goals. It can also be used as a model for creating new workshops with similar structures and … Read more
Issue Brief II: Increasing Breastfeeding Rates for WIC Families Through Innovative Community Partnerships
Increasing Access to Food for Mothers, Infants and Children Receiving Benefits from WIC through Community Partnerships
Poster: Improving Complementary Feeding During the Lean Season
This poster was presented at the Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Academy Week in Addis Ababa, June 20-24, 2016.
Success Stories: Creating Homestead Agriculture for Nutrition and Gender Equity (CHANGE)
These three short pieces describe particular aspects of the Creating Homestead Agriculture for Nutrition and Gender Equity (CHANGE) project that are showing success or point to potentially effective innovations in nutrition-sensitive agriculture projects. They focus on individuals’ experiences rather than technical detail.
Blog series: Mercy Erhiawarien
Mercy authored several blogs in support of ONE’s advocacy for smallholder farmers, better nutrition and women’s empowerment in Africa.
Roadmap for Continued U.S. Leadership to End Global Hunger
The Roadmap for Continued US Leadership to End Global Hunger reviews progress over the last three years toward the goals set out in the original Roadmap, and offers recommendations to ensure continued effectiveness of US global food security programs. Hunger … Read more