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Field Reports

SNAP Student Exemptions

Kathryn Tzivanis, Emerson Fellow
Published 2023-2024

Irvine, California

Understanding Local Programs that Increase Employability at UCI

Food insecurity is a pressing issue that negatively affects the well-being and academic success of many college students in the United States. SNAP, a federally funded program designed to alleviate hunger and improve nutrition among low-income individuals and families and is one of the best programs to alleviate student food insecurity because of its sustainability. But SNAP has additional requirements for college students which can create significant barriers to eligibility for many students. As a result, a substantial proportion of college students experiencing food insecurity are unable to receive SNAP benefits, despite their low incomes and precarious financial situations.

This report explores one of the specific student exemptions for CalFresh, California’s name for SNAP, Local Programs that Increase Employability (LPIEs). It provides an overview of the efforts of the Basic Needs Center at the University of California – Irvine, to establish their own LPIE and expand CalFresh eligibility among students. While working at University of California – Irvine Basic Needs Center I was tasked with expanding CalFresh student eligibility on campus and increasing the number of eligible students applying for benefits with permanent academic and professional program exemptions. While there I was able to identify and get over 30 programs approved as official LPIEs by the California Department of Social Services. Furthermore, we launched our own LPIE, called Fresh Finances, to support students enrolled in programs that are not LPIE eligible.

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