Field Reports
The Campus Kitchens Nutrition Initiative Guide
Alexis Bylander,
Emerson Fellow
Published 2005
Washington, DC
The Campus Kitchens Nutrition Initiative Guide highlights the nutrition projects completed by students at each of the Campus Kitchens and serves as a step-by-step outline to re-create those projects at other Campus Kitchens or through other student organizations.
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Publication tags: Field Reports - Health, Nutrition and Hunger - Students
Alexis earned a degree in political science from Concordia College in 2004. She also studied public policy in seven European countries and spent a semester abroad study ing in Malta. She participated in Concordia’s mock trial team, the TOCAR anti-racism taskforce, and was co-leader for a Habitat for Humanity trip to Nicaragua. She also completed a research project on the feasibility of enacting a universal living wage in the Fargo-Moorhead area.
Read more about Alexis Bylander