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Field Reports

Lessons Learned: Breakfast After The Bell in Massachusetts

Nathan Garcia, Emerson Fellow

Project Bread,
Published 2021-2022

Boston, Massachusetts

This report was created to assess the implementation of a Breakfast After The Bell Mandate within the state of Massachusetts so that policy makers who wish to create a similar mandate outside of Massachusetts may understand the program’s challenges and keys to success. By using this assessment, it is my hope that readers will gain insight into the importance of school breakfast, and how to best utilize Breakfast After The Bell (BATB) service models as an effective tool to combat child food insecurity.

Download "Lessons Learned: Breakfast After The Bell in Massachusetts"

Publication tags: Field Reports - COVID-19 Pandemic, Domestic Federal Nutrition Programs, School Breakfast Program (SBP)

Garcia headshot

Nathan Garcia

Emerson Fellow


Project Bread

Boston, Massachusetts