Field Reports
Lessons Learned: Breakfast After The Bell in Massachusetts
Nathan Garcia,
Emerson Fellow
Project Bread,
Published 2021-2022
Boston, Massachusetts
This report was created to assess the implementation of a Breakfast After The Bell Mandate within the state of Massachusetts so that policy makers who wish to create a similar mandate outside of Massachusetts may understand the program’s challenges and keys to success. By using this assessment, it is my hope that readers will gain insight into the importance of school breakfast, and how to best utilize Breakfast After The Bell (BATB) service models as an effective tool to combat child food insecurity.
Download "Lessons Learned: Breakfast After The Bell in Massachusetts"
Publication tags: Field Reports - COVID-19 Pandemic, Domestic Federal Nutrition Programs, School Breakfast Program (SBP)
Nathan Garcia has worked in the nonprofit sector for over 10 years, on a range of issues from human rights to wildlife conservation. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, he was first introduced to social justice work by local organizations combating human trafficking. After years of building grassroots marketing campaigns, and developing community outreach programs, he went on to become the first in his family to graduate from college; earning a degree in International Relations and Human Rights from the University of California, Davis. As a communication consultant, photographer, and filmmaker he has traveled throughout the United States and to over 20 countries, creating awareness campaigns, development strategies, and documentaries for organizations creating a more just and equitable world.
Read more about Nathan Garcia
Project Bread connects people and communities in Massachusetts to reliable sources of food while advocating for policies that make food more accessible—so that no one goes hungry.
Read more about Project Bread