Field Reports
Healthy Children, Healthy Lives: Barriers to Participation in the At-Risk Afterschool Meals Program in Washington State
Montae Langston,
Emerson Fellow
Published 2012
Seattle, Washington
Healthy Children, Healthy Lives: Barriers to Participation in the At-Risk Afterschool Meals Program in Washington State presents the obstacles that current and potential non-profit sponsors face in their effort to participate in the afterschool meals program, and offers key programmatic and policy recommendations to address these barriers and expand statewide participation.
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Publication tags: Field Reports - Domestic Federal Nutrition Programs
Originally from Fairfield, California, Montae studied political science at the University of California Los Angeles, graduating Phi Beta Kappa in 2011. He co-founded a program for current and former foster youth, served as the Chair of the Legislative Committee for California Youth Connection, and interned at the D.C. Superior Court. Montae is a Princeton Public Policy and International Affairs Fellow, Donald A. Strauss Scholar, UCLA Law Fellow, and a Community Development and Social Justice Scholar. He was the recipient of a public service prize and interned with Border Statements Collective, an organization that aims to revitalize the role of ethnic minority youth in their communities.
Read more about Montae Langston