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Field Reports

Farming in a “White Utopia”: BIPOC Farmer Development Coalition Strategic Plan 2022-2024

Isabelle Sohn, Emerson Fellow

Oregon Food Bank,
Published 2021-2022

Portland, Oregon

In 2021, Ecotrust, Mudbone Grown, Oregon Food Bank, and Zenger Farm formed the BIPOC Farmer Development Coalition. Taking into account the systemic obstacles that BIPOC growers face, the primary focus of the coalition is the development and training of BIPOC farm producers in the Portland, OR metro area by BIPOC farmer focused or led programs. The following strategic plan aims to both identify and address the unique barriers confronted by BIPOC growers in the region, as well as detail how service providers can best support each other’s efforts in the field.

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Publication tags: Field Reports - Farmers' Markets, Farm Stands, and EBT, Food Systems and Agriculture

Sohn headshot

Isabelle Sohn

Emerson Fellow


Oregon Food Bank

Portland, Oregon