Field Reports
Enhancing Community Health Worker Engagement
Melanie Sudetic,
Leland Fellow
Published 2023-2025
Melanie holds a BS in Nutrition & Dietetics from Kent State University and an MSc in Nutrition for Global Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She began her career in nutrition as a registered dietitian focusing on food security and community nutrition in low-income areas of Cleveland, Ohio. Soon after, she shifted her focus to global nutrition and served in rural Guatemala with the Peace Corps as a Maternal and Child Health Facilitator. There, she supported the Guatemalan Ministry of Health with the implementation of interventions aimed at preventing maternal and child morbidity and mortality. In 2021, she remotely supported the World Food Programme Cambodia country office by conducting a desk review of nutrition and school feeding programmes as an entry point to prevent acute malnutrition in pre-primary school age children in Cambodia. Most recently, she worked with the World Food Programme in Mozambique to support the development of a digital optimization tool to produce nutritious and affordable recipes from locally available foods. In particular, Melanie supported this project through the collection of food price data from informal markets in three regions of Mozambique using the Cost of Diet methodology. Her primary interest is maternal and child nutrition in humanitarian settings.
Read more about Melanie Sudetic