Field Reports
A Call to the Table: Ending Summer Hunger in Washington
Sydney Fang,
Emerson Fellow
Published 2014
Seattle, Washington
A Call to the Table: Ending Summer Hunger in Washington highlights five opportunities for growth in the summer meals program and profiles high-need counties that can benefit from strategic partnerships and resource mobilization. These profiles demonstrate the need for summer meals in each county, present goals for improvement, and identify new partners and how they can increase participation in summer meals.
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Publication tags: Field Reports - Domestic Federal Nutrition Programs, Summer Nutrition Programs (SFSP and NSLP)
Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Sydney graduated in 2012 from the University of California, Berkeley with a degree in public health and a minor in public policy. Sydney was an active leader in multicultural coalitions on campus where she focused on improving recruitment and retention efforts for underrepresented Asian Pacific Islanders. As a student senator, she advocated for the allocation of more university resources for students of color. Sydney has also organized monolingual Chinese homecare workers to advocate for their rights and served as the commissioner on the City of Berkeley’s Community Health Commission. She was a Public Policy International Affairs Fellow at the University California, Berkeley in 2012.
Read more about Sydney Fang