Sofia Hinojosa

Born and raised in El Paso, Texas, Sofia Hinojosa graduated with honors in public health and a certificate in Community-Based Research from American University. As a border-city resident, Sofia has a passion for increasing healthcare accessibility for immigrant communities, addressing health disparities, and building healthy communities. While volunteering for MEANS … Read more

Sebastian Hickey

Originally from San Diego, California, Sebastian graduated from Stanford University with a degree in public policy. His passion for social justice has led him to examine policy issues through the lens of equity. He has developed an equitable transportation policy recommendation for a Sacramento government agency and analyzed the distributional … Read more

Chloe Green

Chloe graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with degrees in dietetics and community & environmental sociology. During her time as a Badger, Chloe received a Wisconsin Idea Fellowship to study accessibility at farmers markets for underserved communities across the state. She was funded to continue her research through a pilot … Read more

Cassandra Granville

Cassandra graduated with distinction from the University of Michigan with a degree in community and global public health. During her time at the University of Michigan, she gained public health research experience supporting the work of agencies local to Southeast Michigan and national health systems such as Kaiser Permanente. Her … Read more

Caroline George

Born and raised in Maine, Caroline graduated with Phi Betta Kappa and honors from Wellesley College with a degree in environmental studies and jazz & world music. Caroline’s work in food justice began in high school at Cultivating Community, a local nonprofit that taught her how to maintain an urban … Read more

Rachel Flores

Originally from Dayton, Ohio, Rachel graduated from Vanderbilt University with a double major in environmental sociology and community leadership and development. During her four years in Nashville, she spent her time working on sustainability and food justice projects on campus. She also volunteered and interned with nonprofit organizations throughout the … Read more

Methany Eltigani

Born in Sudan and raised in Philadelphia, Methany graduated with honors from the University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and nutrition. During her time at Penn, she was active in board positions at minority organizations on campus, including the United Minorities Council, Black Student Association, the African … Read more

Esther Davila

Originally from West Orange, New Jersey, Esther graduated with honors from Boston University with a degree in health science and a minor in sociology. As the daughter of immigrants, she has been motivated to volunteer and intern with organizations that serve immigrant and marginalized communities. Her passion for social justice … Read more

Madelaine Britt

A native of Rochester, New York, Madelaine Britt is a graduate of the School of Architecture and Planning at the University at Buffalo (SUNY), a Western New York Prosperity Fellow and a Harry S. Truman Scholar. Growing up in the Rust Belt, she is passionate about centering community voice in … Read more

Jarvis Benson

Originally from Grenada, Mississippi, Jarvis graduated with honors from the University of Mississippi with degrees in international studies and Spanish. His passion for social justice came while serving as a community organizer for the non-profit Mississippi Votes and overseeing the largest voter registration effort in the state since the Freedom … Read more

Analicia Bañales

Born and raised in Corpus Christi, Analicia has lived and traveled throughout Texas, beginning her undergraduate education in San Antonio before transferring to the University of Texas at El Paso where she studied political science, criminal justice, and intelligence & national security studies. While finishing her degree at UTEP, Analicia … Read more

Mariama Badjie

Born and raised in the Bronx to immigrant parents from the West African nation of The Gambia, Mariama Badjie graduated with honors in community health education and a minor in public policy from Hunter College in New York City. Mariama first faced tough questions about racial and socioeconomic equity when … Read more