Food is Medicine: Understanding how Nutritious Food can Impact an Individual’s Health evaluates Lifelong’s home delivered meals program and provides recommendations for improvement.
Nutrition Hubs: Building Healthy, Hunger-Free Schools in King County, Washington
Nutrition Hubs: Building Hunger- Free Schools in King County is a guide for increasing students’ access to school meals that outlines a method of collaboration between AmeriCorps members, community organizations, school districts, and private funders.
The Health Center Project: Engaging Health Centers in Allegheny County on Food Security
The Health Center Project is an assessment of the pilot project of the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank and seven community health centers in Allegheny County. The report evaluates the effectiveness of implementing a food security screening framework for patients … Read more
Fuel 4 School: Universal School Breakfast and Lunch Community Eligibility Provision
Fuel 4 School assesses the impact of Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) on food service in Allegheny County schools. Through focus groups with parents and interviews with school administrators, the report details how CEP enhances the effects of the School Breakfast … Read more
Gentrification & Gender Expectations: Women in the Fruitvale
Gentrification & Gender Expectations: Women in the Fruitvale explains the challenges that Latinas face as mothers, wives, immigrants, and victims of tenant harassment, and the importance of empowering these women to strengthen themselves and their community.
Integrating Food Access & Affordable Housing
Integrating Food Access & Affordable Housing is a resource guide for food access programming in affordable housing communities. It includes best practices and existing models for gardens, edible landscaping, cooking and nutrition education, and low-cost farm shares. It also offers recommendations … Read more
The Harvest Process: Maximizing Local Food Infrastructure to Benefit the Charitable Food System in Vermont
The Harvest Process catalogues case studies of processing projects within charitable food organizations around the country. Nora synthesized the information from the case studies and identified recommendations for the Vermont Foodbank to construct a financially viable model to preserve agricultural … Read more
SNAP Outreach in the Magnolia State: A Resource for Social Service Providers
SNAP Outreach in the Magnolia State is a toolkit for social service providers in the Jackson metropolitan area interested in conducting SNAP outreach at their organization. Based on feedback from current SNAP participants and social service providers in Jackson, the … Read more
The Dallas Summer Meals Sponsor Council: a Collaborative Approach to Summer Meals
The Dallas Summer Meals Sponsor Council: a Collaborative Approach to Summer Meals is a case study on the development and efficacy of Dallas’s sponsor coalition. The report highlights the achievements of the Council, provides an evaluation of the Council’s first … Read more
The Family Garden Demonstration Project Evaluation
The Family Garden Demonstration Project Evaluation is an assessment of the fall demonstration garden project which highlights the strengths, challenges, best practices and potential future directions of the project.
The Power of Community Engagement: Increasing Community Involvement in Anti-Hunger Networks
The Power of Community Engagement is a report on methods for increasing community engagement in a coalition focused on hunger and issues of food access. It also illustrates potential positive impacts of community empowerment efforts in anti-hunger work.
Funding for Parent Engagement in Illinois: a Critical Component for School Success
Funding for Parent Engagement in Illinois: A Critical Component for School Success is a resource for advocates working to strengthen parent engagement work in Illinois. The report outlines the existing federal and state level funding commitments for parent engagement, analyzes ways … Read more