Stephanie Donley Jackson

1st Class, 2001-2003 Field Placement: World Food Program, Dhaka, Bangladesh Stephanie Donley Jackson collaborated with NGO and UN partners to design advocacy workshops, and she coordinated with UN logistics officers on the transportation, storing, and delivery of food to post-disaster … Read more

Chung Lai

2nd Class, 2003-2005 Field Placement: Land O’ Lakes, Bangladesh and Indonesia Chung worked on school feeding programs in Bangladesh and Indonesia, where she monitored the distribution of milk and biscuits to primary school children and helped to improve the management … Read more

Michaela Hackner

3rd Class, 2005-2007 Field Placement: Pact WORTH Center for Gender and Women’s Empowerment, Phnom Penh, Cambodia/Nairobi, Kenya Michaela Hackner worked on Pact’s WORTH initiative, a unique women’s program that aimed to combat trafficking through self-empowerment, micro-enterprise development and literacy and … Read more

Sylvie Doutriaux

3rd Class, 2005-2007 Field Placement: Mercy Corps, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Sylvie conducted a survey of the Mongolian livestock and meat sub-sector for Mercy Corps, identifying constraints and opportunities along the value chain in order to determine how Mercy Corps could better … Read more

Brian Bogart

3rd Class, 2005-2007 Field and Policy Placement: World Food Program, Kampong Speu/Phnom Penh, Cambodia Brian Bogart was the assistant head of the WFP’s Kampong Speu sub-office, in an area that experienced acute food shortages due to drought over the two … Read more