On March 31, 2004 The UPS Foundation and the Congressional Hunger Center hosted a National Hunger Forum at The Keck Center of the National Academies in Washington, D.C. Content area experts researched and wrote white papers for review and discussion … Read more
Why We Are Needed: Hunger Education for Hunger Relief Organizations
Why We Are Needed: Hunger Education for Hunger Relief Organizations provides a learning module and resources for educating staff and volunteers of hunger relief organizations on the larger picture of hunger in the United States beyond their agency’s work.
Advancing Equity within the Emergency Food Provider Network in Maricopa County
Advancing Equity within the Emergency Food Provider Network in Maricopa County examines barriers to accessing emergency food programs in Latino communities in Maricopa County. It contains a synthesis of community interviews, a geographic analysis of food bank and pantry locations … Read more
Outreach and Application Assistance: Case Studies of California SNAP Outreach Trainings
Outreach and Application Assistance: Case Studies of California SNAP Outreach Trainings is a compilation of best practices in community-based SNAP outreach training methods from across California.
Give Ohio a Boost: Promote the Earned Income Tax Credit
Give Ohio a Boost: Promote the Earned Income Tax Credit is a training guide for advocates and direct service providers to promote the Earned Income Tax Credit to their clients.
The State of Summer Food Service Program in Milwaukee County
The State of Summer Food Service Program in Milwaukee County outlines research that demonstrates the need for current under-utilization of Summer Food by low-income families in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin
Urban Agriculture in Hartford
Urban Agriculture in Hartford is a multi-component presentation on the benefits, challenges, and potential of urban agriculture, including specific recommendations for the city of Hartford, that is adaptable to a variety of audiences including policymakers, community members, and organizations.
Benefits Outreach Resources
Benefits Outreach Resources, an online resource library, assists organizations in designing outreach initiatives that link work support programs (such as Food Stamps and energy assistance) with the Earned Income Tax Credit and free tax preparation services. The library highlights important … Read more
Serving up Solutions: A Guide To Customer Service And Expanding Access To The Los Angeles County Food Stamp Program
Serving up Solutions: A Guide To Customer Service And Expanding Access To The Los Angeles County Food Stamp Program is a report and presentation designed to assist local and national partners’ efforts to increase participation in the Food Stamp Program … Read more
Five Year Strategic Plan to Stamp out Hunger
Five Year Strategic Plan to Stamp out Hunger is a report for Florida’s Food Security Team, a coalition of state agencies that administer USDA nutrition programs and their community based partners, outlining the coalition’s progress in 2003 and providing recommendations … Read more
Putting a Price on Nutrition: The Viability of a Universal Menu Program for the San Antonio Food Bank
Putting a Price on Nutrition: The Viability of a Universal Menu Program for the San Antonio Food Bank analyzes the costs and benefits for a food bank for operating a community-wide menu program. It calculates the value of collaborative purchasing … Read more
Advocating for Change
Advocating for Change is a step by step guide for food banks on how to form anti-hunger advocacy committees in their communities. It contains detailed information about what is needed to successfully form an advocacy committee, useful tools to facilitate … Read more