Building the Base: Grassroots Organizing for the Immigrant Rights Campaign is a guide to a successful community organizing model used by Causa Justa::Just Cause that includes best practices to build community leadership on immigrant rights. This guide includes an overview … Read more
Immigrant Access to Food Stamps and Nutrition Services: A Latino Perspective
On March 31, 2004 The UPS Foundation and the Congressional Hunger Center hosted a National Hunger Forum at The Keck Center of the National Academies in Washington, D.C. Content area experts researched and wrote white papers for review and discussion … Read more
A Closer Look at Immigrant-Access Barriers in the Massachusetts Food Stamp Program
A Closer Look at Immigrant-Access Barriers in the Massachusetts Food Stamp Program is an in-depth analysis of the intersection between policy and implementation. It links specific policy language to chronic obstacles and implementation and offers recommendations for their improvement.
Access to the Federal Food Stamp Program: An In-Depth Analysis of New York City’s Immigrant Communities, Estimates of Unmet Need and Barriers to Access
Access to the Federal Food Stamp Program: An In-Depth Analysis of New York City’s Immigrant Communities, Estimates of Unmet Need and Barriers to Access is a comprehensive analysis of the context of immigrant food stamps access in New York City. … Read more
Sustainable Model of Outreach for Improved Immigrant Participation in the Food Stamp Program: A Case Study of Western Queens
Sustainable Model of Outreach for Improved Immigrant Participation in the Food Stamp Program: A Case Study of Western Queens provides a model for food stamp outreach to immigrant communities including resources for setting objectives, identifying a target audience, connecting to … Read more
Food Security within Immigrant Communities in Georgia
Food Security within Immigrant Communties in Georgia illustrates the challenges immigrants face in accessing emergency food and provides recommendations for Food Bank outreach to the growing immigrant population in Georgia
Documenting Vulnerability: Food Insecurity Among Indigenous Mexican Migrants in California’s Central Valley
Documenting Vulnerability: Food Insecurity Among Indigenous Mexican Migrants in California’s Central Valley provides an overview of food insecurity in the Mixtec community, an indigenous Mexican group in Fresno and Medera, CA, and outlines their experience with the emergency food system, … Read more
Food Stamps and Immigrant Families: How Health Care Workers Can Improve Child Health
Food Stamps and Immigrant Families: How Health Care Workers Can Improve Child Health makes the case for food stamps as a tool to improve the health of immigrant children, providing medical professionals with facts and culturally appropriate information to encourage … Read more