Introduction to Domestic Hunger Policy — June 7, 2023

Academy, Updates, Zero Hunger

For millions of households in the U.S., it’s a challenge to find and afford enough quality food to feed the whole family. A recent report from the Urban Institute1 found that “More than one in five (21.6%) adults in the United States reported household food insecurity in the summer of 2022, an increase of more than 6% from April 2021.” And these challenges are not distributed evenly across all Americans: the study further finds that “Food insecurity rates among Black and Hispanic adults (29.2% and 32.3%) were measurably higher than among their White counterparts (17.3%).” With the rising cost of food, wage increases outpaced by inflation, and changes to SNAP guidelines, a lasting solution to hunger may seem out of reach. Can federal nutrition policy help millions of Americans keep food on the table?

Join us June 7 at 11 a.m. EDT as we kick off the 2023 Zero Hunger Summer Seminars with an online panel discussion on food insecurity in the United States. In this session, participants will learn about:

  • Domestic policies that have the greatest impact on hunger and food security in the U.S.
  • The end of pandemic-era support services and the current state of food insecurity
  • Post-pandemic challenges to food security and potential policy solutions.
  • How anti-hunger advocates can use their voices to support policies that promote food security.

College students, summer interns, and volunteers are especially encouraged to tune in. The session includes several short articles for pre-reading, which can be accessed when you enroll in the course via our Zero Hunger Academy platform.

Speakers include:

The Seminars are part of Zero Hunger Academy, the Hunger Center’s online learning hub.

Thank You

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation for their generous support of the Zero Hunger Summer Seminars.
Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Logo



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