For many people living in the U.S., global food security is a topic only encountered through news reports of disasters happening elsewhere in the world. Presented with media images of suffering, supposedly powerless people, most react with a sense of urgency to “do something” to fix the problem. But what problems are we “doing something” to fix? In these international and intercultural relationships, who holds the power, and in what ways is that power exercised and maintained? What narratives are reinforced? In the end, is our current system of development the best way to promote global food security?
Join us July 8 at 1 p.m. EDT as the 2022 Zero Hunger Summer Seminars continue with an examination of power and privilege in international development. In this interactive session participants will examine their knowledge of international development and how power and privilege is part of the history of development and has influenced how many Americans view development.
Participants will:
- Increase their knowledge of power and privilege in development,
- Learn how policy plays a key role in changing cultural stereotypes,
- Increase their understanding of how organizations can take tangible action to improve DEI within their organizations and sector, and
- Start to question the “why” behind their work in development.
College students and summer interns are especially encouraged to tune in. The session includes several short articles for pre-reading, which can be accessed when you enroll in the course via our Zero Hunger Academy platform.
Breanna Gomillion
Breanna supports InterAction’s food security and climate workstreams. She coordinates InterAction’s Food Security, Nutrition, and Agriculture monthly working group meetings, which seek to support and strengthen U.S. NGOs active in implementing field programs in international agricultural development and global food security. Breanna ensures that InterAction’s food security and climate communities are well informed, develops materials for congressional advocacy and education on Feed the Future programs, and finds opportunities for collective action on food security and climate policies.
Breanna holds a Master of Public Policy from Michigan State University. Her master’s capstone applied a systems approach to expand and integrate workforce development programs with social service systems to address the variety of causes and consequences of chronic disengagement from school and work like access to safe and stable housing, food and nutrition, and health services.
Before attending graduate school, Breanna worked at buildOn, a service-based nonprofit, supporting the Global School Construction Program. She worked in partnership with program staff and local residents in Senegal, Haiti, Guatemala, and Malawi to build schools, enroll out of school children, and educate adult learners. Breanna is passionate about reforming infrastructures and institutions and using public policy as a tool to eliminate systems of structural inequality on a global scale.