2015 Awards Ceremony



The Congressional Hunger Center held its annual Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015, at the U.S. Botanic Garden. Award recipients were:

  • Representative Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH), receiving the Bill Emerson & Mickey Leland Hunger Leadership Award
  • Representative Lynn Jenkins (R-KS), receiving the Bill Emerson & Mickey Leland Emerging Hunger Leader Award
  • Under Secretary Kevin Concannon (USDA Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services), receiving the CHC Board Appreciation Award
  • Christine Tran (Emerson National Hunger Fellow alumna), receiving the CHC Alumni Leadership Award
  • Giselle Aris (Leland International Hunger Fellow alumna), receiving the CHC Alumni Leadership Award

More than 300 leaders from government (Congress, USDA, USAID), agriculture and food companies, the wider corporate community, philanthropy, and the domestic and international hunger community joined the CHC Board, staff, Emerson and Leland Fellows, and fellowship alumni to celebrate the work of CHC and its awardees in the fight against hunger.


Alumni from the 15th Class of Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellows

Proceeds from the Awards Ceremony support our flagship Emerson and Leland Fellowships, which train and mentor hunger leaders through hands-on work both in community-based and in policy-focused organizations throughout the U.S., Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Download a Copy of the Awards Ceremony Program Book



Under Secretary Concannon

“As schools let out across the country, this is the time of year a child…is most likely to go hungry.”

“Our battle is ongoing…we must act, because children’s lives depend on our actions.”

Representative Fudge

Representative Fudge

Representative Jenkins

Representative Jenkins

“As part of this [House Hunger] Caucus, I hope to work…for programs that can benefit the hungry here at home and around the globe.”

“Without the Hunger Center I wouldn’t have had the opportunities, the community or the ability to share my story.”

Christine Tran

Christine Tran


Giselle Aris

“Consider what you do each day to wait less and act more.”


In his remarks, Under Secretary Kevin Concannon said that “we as a country can do more…but we rely upon partnerships in doing it.” The Congressional Hunger Center gratefully acknowledges the support of the following partners, who make our anti-hunger work possible:




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At the Ceremony’s close, CHC Board Chair Rep. James P. McGovern (D-MA) gave special recognition to Executive Director Edward Cooney, who retires this fall after fourteen years of leadership of the Hunger Center and a career of advocacy and public service in the anti-hunger arena.


CHC Executive Director Edward Cooney and Rep. James P. McGovern


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